Help translate the app

If you are able to help translate my apps into other languages, you can join my projects at There is a core project which is (or will be) used for all of my apps, and then a project per app. If you want to help translate Wakey, for instance, you would join both "Core" and "Wakey", and translate strings for both.

Note to Translators

I change my apps frequently, so the strings change regularly. Please help as much or as little as you care to - any help is great! If you see that a language already has some translations, you can still join for that, and contribute. If you don't see the language that you want to translate into, you can add it.

Attribution & A Gift for Helping

When you create your POEditor account, the name you use is the name I will use in the app, thanking you for your contribution. I will also send you a promo code (and additional ones, upon request) for a free upgrade to the Premium version of each app you help with.


If you have any questions, please contact me at